Feedback is an essential part of our professional and personal lives. We may not appreciate it always, but it is one of the most important self-improvement tools out there. However, in most cases, we dread when it is time to get feedback, especially during the formal review processes. Additionally, when it comes to informal settings, we tend to become a little too relaxed about what we hear and have to tell.
But why is that so?
Well, most of us are not adept at handling criticism of any sort. There is this tendency to take things too personally and thus become defensive in the process. We are always seeking validation and if what we hear is positive, we get an ego boost. But a balanced feedback system must focus on both the good and the bad and that’s where most of us lose the focus.
However, I must also mention that in my career as an HR professional, I have seen individuals who actively seek out feedback from others so that they can improve themselves. Those are the people who are doing it right. They are making the most out of this process and that’s what we should all aspire to do.
Why does feedback matter?
If you need some convincing on why you should make feedback a priority, then here are a few reasons.
It provides validation
We as human beings are fueled by validation. Constructive feedback gives the kind of positive reinforcement that influences us to do better. When we are told that the work we are doing is good or effective or meets certain standards, we find the motivation to go on.
The catch is to know when the act of seeking validation is starting to cause more self-harm than good. As with anything in this world, too much hankering for validation harms our mental healths. However, if we know our limits then receiving feedback gives us a sense of purpose.
A guide to change
When given sincerely, feedback helps us to understand where or what we need to change. This is true for both our professional and personal lives. This is especially important in our workplaces, where getting constructive feedback helps us to identify our areas of improvement.
For example, getting mid-year feedback or review from our managers helps us focus on our weak aspects and improve them accordingly for the final performance review.
Better relationships
When feedback is given and accepted, it fosters a relationship of trust. However, for this to occur, two things need to happen
- The person giving the feedback has to do it with sincerity. This means taking a genuine interest in the other person’s work or behavior and being constructive in any criticism or praise given.
- The other person should be open to receiving feedback- both the good and the not so good.
If both these things happen, then feedback is a powerful way to establish strong relationships. Teams who value the process of reviews and make sure to give and receive their feedback in a genuine manner often show better bonding among themselves. Such team members are also more likely to seek advice when facing challenges at work.

Sets future goals
Once we know what we are doing right and what not so right, it becomes easier for us to set our future goals in a way that they are achievable. Having a clear vision of what we want to achieve in both our professional and personal lives is important. This is the sense of purpose that I mentioned in the first point.
Creates Accountability
Now, this is something that applies more to the person giving the feedback. If you find yourself in that position, then you should take note of the fact that this holds you accountable. We must do our due diligence when we are the ones giving feedback. Otherwise, the whole exercise becomes in vain. Often it is seen in the formal review processes that the one who gives the review takes a lackadaisical approach. This is perhaps one of the main reasons why people harbor doubts about this process.
To conclude
In our eternal quests of achieving our goals, it helps to know if we are on the path to success. An effective feedback system provides that information. At the same time, we should also keep in mind that just as we are always looking for validation, others look up to us for the same. So when a balanced and well thought out feedback is given and received, it makes a significant positive impact in our lives.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.
Related Reads
- 5 Reasons why feedback is important
- 4 reasons why giving and receiving performance feedback is important