“Focus on being productive instead of busy.”
Tim Ferriss
Let’s just face this- being as productive as we want to be can sometimes be a challenge unto itself. We can start with the best of intentions and then something comes along the way to derail us. By the time we realize that we could be more efficient with our time, we have already spent half of it on unimportant tasks.
Then there is the ubiquitous issue of procrastination. I have struggled with this for a long time, especially during my teenage years. Now when I look back, I find that this was one of the major blocks in my ability to be more productive with my time and resources.
But here’s the thing. While it is not realistic to expect that we can be productive all the time, it is definitely possible to be more intentional with how we approach our days. We can make the most of our time with some easy changes to our routines and a bit of planning ahead.

The Conundrum Of Being Productive
First things first, it is crucial to accept that one cannot be on their toes and 100% productive all the time. It is more of an ongoing process and must be paced down to be effective.
We are not machines and as such, we should understand that at times it becomes absolutely essential to take a break from the daily grind. Knowing how to slow down is perhaps the first step in learning to become productive. Sounds counter-intuitive, right? But that’s the beauty of life. It often progresses due to the harmony of opposites.
Productive Practices
So, how to be more productive during your week? There are actually certain very doable practices that can help you to achieve the levels of productivity that you aspire to. These steps and practices can be applied to become generally efficient with how you spend your time.
Without further ado, here are 7 tips that can help you have a productive week.
1.Create A Routine
Routines can bring great structure to your day. However, to make it work, you need to create a routine that specifically caters to your needs. Start with understanding your work habits. Consider things like when are you most productive. Is it early in the morning before your family wakes up? Or is it late at night? Keep in mind that these things might change over time. For example, in my 20s I was the proverbial night owl. But now, I find it easier to start my day early to get a lot of my work done.
Having a routine puts you on a certain path. And then, once it becomes a habit, you will find yourself getting more things done at the designated times.
Related Read: Do you find it difficult to be consistent in your efforts? Check out this great article by Ashley from the Defeating Busy blog on How You Can Win Your Battle With Inconsistency for some inspiration.
2. Start With The Small Tasks
If the prospect of doing something substantially big appears daunting to you, then start with the smaller tasks. Being productive means that we can tick off items from our to-do list. By completing the smaller tasks, you get to check off things from your list and that can significantly boost you to go further.
Our brains often can be tricked into doing otherwise mundane stuff like sticking to a routine. When you take care of the easier activities, you set yourself in motion and can use that momentum to tackle the bigger tasks at hand.
The whole idea of being productive is to keep on conquering one hill at a time, starting from the smallest.
3. Use A Planner
Planners are great for being productive, especially if you like to be organized with your intention. Get a weekly planner and list out all the activities and tasks that you want to complete in a week. You can start with a few things at first so that you get a sense of how you can manage your time. Eventually, once you get comfortable using the planner, you can add more tasks and plan your week in great detail.
The whole idea of being productive is to keep on conquering one hill at a time, starting from the smallest.
beingsen the blog
4. Set Your Priorities
Planning out your week to become more productive requires you to prioritize efficiently. In reality, most of the time, accomplishing everything that we want is not possible on an average day. Hence, learning to set your priorities can help increase your productivity levels by a notch.
While you try to decide which activities and tasks are more important and which can wait, just remember that there is no one size fits all. You have to do what works best for yourself and your circle.
5. The 5-Minute Rule
This one is for the procrastinators like me out there. One of the main reasons for not being productive enough is that we often keep on “thinking” about the task rather than “doing” it. Personally, I have struggled with this aspect for many years.
Then, when I went back to college to do my MBA, I realized that I did not have enough time to procrastinate itself. Life was so busy and always on the move during those days. If I stopped to think about something for any period of time that was more than necessary, I was surely not going to get it done. This is when I learned about the 5-minute rule.
Basically, if something is going to take less than 5 minutes of your time, just do it. Refrain from thinking about it. This practice requires discipline at first, but with time becomes habitual. Now, whenever I find chores that will take less time, I just get them done automatically.

6. Take A Break
A battery needs to recharge to function. Similarly, we need time off to be effectively productive. It is unnatural to expect of ourselves to be on the go always.
Hence, in order to be more productive in your days, you need to take intentional breaks. Use these times to decompress and do things that rejuvenate your mind and body. Enjoy a cup of coffee while listening to music, read a book, practice a hobby, take a walk, lift weights, play with your kid, or simply take a nap. You can choose whatever suits you best and come back refreshed and with renewed energy to carry on.
7. Reduce Distractions
Finally, a significant obstacle in our paths to be more productive is any kind of distraction. It can be things like the constant buzz of our phones, social media, or even interactions with family members. Occurrences like these prevent you from concentrating on the task at hand, thus resulting in taking more time to complete. Hence, it is important that you reduce your distractions when you want to get some work done.
You can switch off or put your phone on silent mode while working. Limit your social media usage to only designated times during the day. Talk to your family members and ask them not to disturb you at particular times when you are busy. Understand what your greatest distractions are and then take the necessary steps to reduce or eliminate them.
In Conclusion
In the end, we have the power to design our days to a great extent. If being more productive is the goal, then appropriate measures can be taken to facilitate the same.
At the same time, it is also important to remember that the definition of productivity varies from person to person. So, it is essential that you carve out a process that caters to your specific needs and goals. Only then will you be truly productive with your time.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.