“Peace can only be found in what your extraordinary imagination has defined as an ordinary life.”
Shannon L. Alder
A few days ago I chanced upon a video of the modern philosopher Alain de Botton talking about how the present society believes that ordinary life is no longer enough. It got me thinking hard about my own beliefs and faiths and how in my pursuit of the ordinary simple life I have actually found a slice of extraordinariness.
Growing Up
I am a 90’s kid who grew up in a world which always told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be. I spent my childhood wanting to be various things at different points in time. Some days I wanted to be a painter-cum-writer traveling through Europe while on other days I wanted to be a groundbreaking scientist. You know, the usual dreams of a kid. I even visualized myself as a doggy day-care owner- a dream that I nurse to this day!

As I grew up, I was influenced by the world around me and started believing that until I had achieved something extraordinary, I will not have value. My worth was to be measured in the number of milestones I could hit- like bagging that top-notch corporate job or driving that swanky car. The mantra is that unless you have an Instagram-worthy, successful life, you are just ordinary.
But Why Not Be Just Ordinary?
Is there really anything wrong with being ordinary? What if I do not really want those things in life? Instead, what if my definition of an extraordinary day is one where I go for slow walks in the park and cuddle with my pet?
What if I truly find extraordinariness in the ordinary mundane activities of daily life?
Will that make me less successful? That depends, especially on what you consider as success. But, to me, my life will have more meaning if I get to live it my way and revel in the things that bring me joy. Moreover, most of the people around us are actually leading a relatively ordinary life already, even if they are not ready to admit it yet.

What is Ordinary Life?
To me, it means finding fulfillment in the mundane everyday activities of our lives. For example, I find immense satisfaction in maintaining a clean and organized home. It is my haven and it is where I can be at my creative best. But for a long time, I was afraid to admit in front of others that housekeeping is something that I actually enjoy.
However, ever since I have understood my need to find comfort in the ordinary, I never hide that fact anymore.
Ordinary Does Not Mean Mediocre
This is perhaps the biggest misconception people have around the idea of ordinary life. Finding your satisfaction in having an ordinary life does not equate to being mediocre. Rather, think of the philosophy of “simple living and high thinking”.
You can find happiness in your perfectly ordinary life and activities and yet dream big. It’s our thoughts and ideas which define who we are, rather than the amount and size of our material possessions. So if you are afraid of mediocrity like I am and yet yearn for the comfort of an ordinary life, it is perfectly possible to strike that balance.

Happiness is What We Make of It
Everybody’s definition of happiness is different. For someone, it could mean the latest car model while for another person it could be a walk in the park. The point is, there is no single definition of happiness in life. And for that very reason, one person’s version of extraordinary cannot be the same for everybody else.
That is where we as a society go wrong. We try to take a singular instance and apply it to the collective. All the self-help books in the store tell us that if we follow what’s written in them we can be the next big thing. But is that really true? Is there really a one-size-fits-all solution?
No, it doesn’t work that way.
Each one of us has our own version of what we call happiness. It is important that we know what it means to us. Do not fall into the trap of believing that getting that promotion or buying that villa is your ticket to happiness. Sure, it could be. But it could also be not.
And that is an essential point to remember when looking for extraordinariness instead of the ordinary. Happiness is truly what we make of it and not what others say it is.

The Final Thought
It is completely up to you how you want to lead your life. We often forget this while striving to leave our mark in this world. It is perfectly okay to want and work towards becoming famous and a jet-setter. And it also completely okay to yearn for an ordinary life of simplicity.
However, what is not okay is following what others say blindly. To find a true purpose in life, you must listen to yourself and follow your dreams.
As for myself, I am content in my ordinary life for I have found extraordinariness in it.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.
I love all of what you say & share here! Thank you! Lisa
Thank you Lisa for the kind words!
I love this article. True happiness is definitely to be found in the small moments