It’s Sunday evening and you feel a familiar dread creeping up. Tomorrow is Monday. That means going back to the daily humdrum of life. You won’t have time to sit and relax. Instead, you will be on your toes just trying to complete the next chore. Does that resonate with you? Then maybe you are in need of a Sunday reset to make your life easier.
Life is mostly a dull affair. It usually consists of the same tasks over and over again. Hence, a great way to keep things running smoothly is to plan ahead. It not only brings a modicum of discipline but also helps you to be somewhat prepared for your days. A Sunday reset allows you to be in control of your week ahead. Additionally, it also increases your productivity levels.
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What is a Sunday Reset?
Simply put, a Sunday reset is just a way to plan for the weak ahead. You take some time on a Sunday (or the whole day) to do things that help you to have an easier week.
So this reset can include activities from writing a to-do list in your journal to meal prepping and planning. In fact, the beauty of a Sunday reset is that you can incorporate any activity that makes YOUR life uncomplicated and productive
So, Is a Sunday Reset Necessary?
Well, if you want to have a smoother week ahead, then YES. A Sunday Reset can help you achieve that.
Taking some time to reflect on the week ahead will let you be prepared in terms of what to expect. Sure, there will be a few unexpected turns of events. But, for the most part, you will know the structures of your days.
Before You Dive Into The Practice
First, you have to decide how much time you want to dedicate to this. Some people set aside their entire Sunday for resetting. While others take just a chunk of a couple of hours.
In reality, it depends on how many routines you want to embrace. Additionally, the level of preparedness that you are aiming for will also impact how much time you need.
Below are some of the most productive Sunday Reset routines that I find to be extremely useful in my super busy life.
9 Routines For an Effective Sunday Reset
1. Use a Planner To Jot Down Your To-Dos
First things first. The basis of any planning/scheduling is creating a TO-DO list. So if there’s only one thing that you pick up from this article, I suggest this one.

You can use a journal to plan for your week ahead. In fact, journaling is considered to be a very effective way to cope with the stresses of daily life. To make it fun, you can get a fancy colorful journal that suits your aesthetic.
While creating your to-do lists for the Sunday reset, start by jotting down the big tasks. This could be things like doctor’s appointments, a big presentation at work, your kid’s Little League games, etc. Once you have them down, proceed to fill in the rest.
2. Go Through Your Emails (And Answer When Possible)
This is a trick that I learned from my boss at my last organization. Take 30 minutes on your Sunday to stay on top of your email inbox. Trust me when I say that this simple practice will make your Monday mornings so much more manageable.
Just go through your emails and get a sense of what to expect when your week starts. You can choose to reply to the emails that are on top of your priority list. Alternatively, you can note down points and reply once you get to work. Either way, this will make you feel prepared for your Monday morning.
3. Plan and Prep Your Meals
Enough has already been said about meal planning and prepping. It is indeed as incredible as everybody makes it sound.
You can simply plan your meals for the week. Or you can go all out and prep your veggies and grains and batch-cook your proteins. That way you will be able to throw things together for a delicious and healthy meal at home. Here are some handy meal-planning tools that I find quite useful.
4. Plan Your Outfits
Now this one is a game changer when it comes to Sunday reset. If you have a capsule wardrobe or a personal uniform, then planning your outfits for the week is a breeze. If not, then it will take you some time and practice. However, after a couple of weeks, you will know what you want.
This single activity will take away so much of your decision fatigue and help you look put together. You can take it a step forward and plan your kids’ outfits for the week as well if you feel ambitious.

5. Prepare For Your Mom Duties
Recently a friend of mine defined motherhood perfectly. It’s surviving from one meal time to another. I couldn’t agree more with her on this one.
Make your life a tad bit easier by pre-planning for your mommy duties as a Sunday reset. This is especially useful if you work outside your home. Take some time to schedule child care and pick-ups/drop-offs, organize play dates, plan their meals, etc.
6. Spend Time in Nature
There’s nothing like a little time outdoors to set your mood right. So, take some time to head out with your family or pets or just alone. Take a leisurely stroll or hike with gusto. Maybe play with your kids and pets. Or just go and sit outside with someone, soaking in all the fresh air.
In other words, just be outside for a bit. During this time do not multitask and try not to think about all the chores that you have to do. Breathe in and out and just be for a moment.
7. Take Rest
A Sunday reset is not just about work. In fact, a very crucial aspect of any reset is to take time off.
Intentionally schedule a time to take some rest. In all the constant hullabaloo of our lives, rest is essential to fill our cups. Spend this downtime by taking a nap or meditating or listening to some music or just doing nothing.
8. Clean and Organize
A bit of intentional cleaning and organizing on a Sunday will go a long way. I especially hate doing laundry during the week. Hence, I cope with it by doing bulk laundry over the weekend. That way I can get away with only a couple of middle-of-the-week laundry for my kid. Similarly, if you take some time out to deep clean parts of your home on Sunday, you can rest a bit easier during the week.
Some of the things that you can do are-
- A batch of laundry, especially bedding, sheets, and towels
- Clean your bathrooms
- Deep clean the kitchen
- Clean and organize your fridge
- Clean your car (Admit it, that’s one thing we always neglect)
- General organizing around the house. Move from room to room and remove things that do not belong there while setting others in their places.
- Declutter a bit around the house.
9. Schedule Alone Time
And last but not least, take some time for yourself. Chances are that for the whole week, you neglect to prioritize yourself. You are constantly needed by others and spend your energy making others’ lives easy.
So, on Sundays, I want you to take some time for yourself deliberately. Indulge in an activity that you enjoy. Read a book, exercise, watch a movie on your laptop, or do some self-care. Do something that makes you happy. Only then will it be a true Sunday reset.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.