How do you actually simplify your life? Does it require austerity and giving up on things you love? When you start or think of starting your simple living journey, the road might seem daunting. However, it doesn’t have to be so. In fact, you can introduce simplicity into your life with some changes and introspection!
Live simply so that others may simply live.
Mahatma Gandhi
Sometimes I wish I had found the concept of simple living sooner than I did. It would have saved me a lot of stress and confusion. But here’s the thing. The art of simplifying one’s life can at times not feel simple. There are so many guidelines to follow and paths to choose from. When you are on a mission to simplify your life, all these resources can make the process a bit confusing. And in the midst of it all, you run the risk of giving up altogether.
However, like most things in life, it is only as complicated as you make it. With simple living, the key is to listen to your intuition while adopting a few habits in your life. You see, simple living is all about forming consistent and doable habits that are not only suitable for your lifestyle but also make you happy.
What is Simple Living?
At its core, simple living means living a life of intentions while doing away with the unnecessary frills. Various practices like owning less, frugality, slow living act as means to achieve this lifestyle.
Simple living can mean different things to different people. The basic idea is to live holistically to achieve a certain purpose. You can decide to simplify your life due to a variety of reasons. However, whatever the reason be, the ultimate goal is to carve an uncomplicated life with fulfillment as the cornerstone.
Related Read: Slow Living- 5 Reasons To Practice It
Simplify Your Life While Listening To Your Heart
When trying to simplify your life, the best way to go about it is to follow your heart. Find out what works for you and then assimilate those practices gradually into your life.
People often make the mistake of blindly following practices that proved effective for others. Instead of doing that, just ask yourself which areas in your life can do with a little simplification.
To make it easier for you, below are 6 guidelines that can help you with this process. These practices are flexible and can be easily molded to fit your needs

6 Ways To Simplify Your Life
Let’s take a look at these 6 practices that are instrumental in introducing simplicity into one’s life. These are steps that I personally have been following for some time now. I have seen excellent results with them and feel that my life has never been more stress-free than it is now.
1. Find Time For Your Hobbies
We all need something that satisfies our hearts. You might be a lucky person and have a job that is related to your hobby. If not, you need to make a conscious effort to indulge some time in your passion.
You see, as kids, we usually have activities that we love to do. But as we grow up, we often tend to lose them as the responsibilities increase. The paintbrushes lie forgotten and the hiking gear gathers dust in the corner of the closet. And as we move away from our passions, we lose the fulfillment that they bring.
So, if you really want to change your life, find some time for your hobbies. Bring back the simple pleasure of doing something that you love whole-heartedly.
2. Focus on the Small Wins
Don’t spend all your time waiting for that one massive win that you envision. Instead, look for the small wins that you have every day. Remember the age-old adage- Rome wasn’t built in a day. Similarly, in your life, it will take considerable time to achieve most of your long-term goals.
But, if you wait for that single big win, you run the risk of ignoring all the small victories along the way. The result can range from frustration to fatigue.
Hence, when trying to simplify your life, make it a point to evaluate every day. Look how far you have come in a week or month or a year. When trying to lose reach your desired body weight, celebrate each half-pound that you successfully lose. Applaud your kid for each letter of the alphabet they learn.
Ultimately, all these small wins together will lead you to your destined goal. And what is more, you will find motivation in the journey.
Related Read: Transform Your Life With These 6 Practices
3. Take Care of Yourself
This one goes without saying. Whichever lifestyle you choose to follow, learning to take care of yourself plays a pivotal role in leading a fulfilled life.
Taking care of yourself goes far beyond just physical health. Be mindful of your mental health and take active steps to improve it. Additionally, look for things that act as triggers and strive to minimize them in your life.
Have a holistic approach toward your health that encompasses the body, mind, spirit, and soul. This is an essential key to simplifying your life.
4. Learn to Say No
We know how important it is to say no at certain times. But we often forget that. As a result, we find ourselves in situations that are completely avoidable or with obligations that we do not want. This not only complicates our lives but also causes a lot of anxiety and stress.
Hence, learning to say no is an important caveat in the pursuit of introducing simplicity into your life. Gather courage and start small. Say no to a social gathering that you really do not want to attend. Or decline an offer that you know will give you anxiety.
Once you start this, you will discover that life becomes so much more straightforward.

5. Let Go of The Unessential
In the same vein of saying no, it is equally crucial to let go of that which doesn’t add much value.
When taking actions to simplify your life, let go of the unessential burdens and clutters. Reduce the things you own by decluttering. Let go of toxic relationships and limiting beliefs. Konmari your life, not just your closets and drawers.
Letting go is undoubtedly tough. But the satisfaction garnered from a lighter life is worth the effort.
Related Read: 10 Happiness Habits For the Daily Life
6. Take Time to Heal
Healing is essential to move forward in life. Be it of the body or the mind. People usually do not give enough credit to the benefits of taking time to heal. As a result, they often try to function with baggage and that is detrimental.
So to avoid that and prevent yourself from undergoing this pain, make healing a priority. Look at your emotions and try to understand where you need a bit (or a lot of) TLC. And if things feel overwhelming, never refrain from asking for help.
Remember that a stitch in time saves nine.
Give Yourself Time
It is not feasible to simplify your life overnight. It takes time and perseverance. Also, you will need to unlearn a few things and form new habits. But in the end, it’s all worth the effort.
A simple life is a gift in itself. It allows us to savor the truly precious moments in the journeys of our lives.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.