“Relax, Recharge and Reflect. Sometimes it’s OK to do nothing.”
Izey Victoria Odiase
We currently live in a world that constantly tells us to hustle. Long workweeks are seen as a sign of victory and being busy all the time is the new normal. Most of us have, at some point in our lives, yearned to just take some time off and recharge. But failed to do so because we were afraid that it would appear as though we were slacking off.
And that’s what needs to change. We have to understand that this need to step back, relax and recharge is not only physically necessary but also crucial for our mental health. There is no pride in working all the time if we get burnt out and cannot achieve what we set out to. Hustling is essential but is only effective if we are ready for it.
The “Busyness” Culture
The age-old adage is absolutely true when it comes to the matter of success- A genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. There is no alternative to hard work when we want to achieve something in life. And that could be in any sphere- be it our corporate careers or while pursuing our hobbies or side businesses or raising our kids. However, there ought to be a balance as well. Toiling away relentlessly is not as effective as we are sometimes made to believe.

As a society, we are often hold this culture of forever “busyness” in high esteem. Sometimes people do not have a choice of taking a day off unless they are very sick. At other times, people actually feel guilty about taking time off to recharge. Either of those scenarios has something inherently wrong in them- the idea that we can work till we drop.
Why Is It Necessary to Recharge?
Taking time off for yourself to recharge and rejuvenate is often necessary for mental health. Decluttering the mind is often the key to clarity and increased productivity levels. Moreover, other additional benefits can be garnered from it as well. So, without further ado, here are 5 reasons why you should proactively take time off to recharge yourself.
1. Better Focus and Clarity
An overworked brain is not good at maintaining concentration and focus levels. When you push yourself to work relentlessly, without the occasional breaks, you will find that your mind resists and loses its sharp edge. Thoughts can become fuzzy. Thus, taking time to cool off, rest and recharge is an absolute necessity if you want to have better focus and mental clarity in life.
2. Improved Productivity Levels
Contrary to popular belief, your busyness levels do not define your productivity. Instead, productivity relates to how optimized you are in accomplishing your tasks. That definitely does not happen if you are stretched out thin with your work and trying to burn the candle at both ends.
Letting your mind rest by taking vacations is crucial in regaining the ability to remain productive in your daily life.
3. Positive Outlook
Working continuously, without any breaks, often leads you to become consumed by work-related thoughts. Quite naturally, that can be detrimental to your mental health and you might even cease to see the positives in your life.
By taking time to recharge and recollect, you allow yourself to have a more positive outlook towards life. When you stop worrying constantly about your work or other commitments, you can look at the brighter side of things and live in a more optimistic manner. And remember, without a positive outlook, it is not possible to achieve the things that you had set out to in the first place.
4. Healthy Mind- Healthy Body
We all know that mental health plays an important role in our overall well-being. Working non-stop, without leaves and breaks can, at the very least, affect our mental health. That, in itself, can lead to other complications like unexplained pains, lethargy, anxiety-related issues, etc.
Thus, if not for anything else, setting aside time to recharge is essential to remain healthy.
5. And Finally, Just Because You Want To
Perhaps the most important reason of all is that there need not be any specific reason. Sometimes our minds just want a break from the grinds of daily routine. Whenever you feel that way, do not hesitate to schedule some time for yourself. It is important to listen intuitively to your minds and bodies if you really want to remain positive and healthy.
So, go ahead and take that much-needed break to recharge yourself, without feeling guilty. You deserve it.

Prioritize Your Needs
At the end of the day, you are the best judge of your needs. Knowing when to stop and take a breather to recharge is just one of the things that you must be aware of in order to be able to carry on with your responsibilities. It may feel a little awkward at first (even though there is no reason to feel that way). Eventually, with time, you will be able to manage your mental health priorities effortlessly and lead a far more fulfilling life.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.
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- Why You Should Take the Day off Work & Not Feel Guilty About It
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