Does the idea of a personal uniform seem boring? Wearing pre-decided clothes might not appear fun at first. But, for a moment, consider not having to stand in front of your clothes, racking your brain about what to wear on a particular day. Doesn’t that sound incredible?
What if you could save yourself some stress and time each morning? A personal uniform not only does that but also allows you to look put together even when you are in a hurry. And what is more, you will wear clothes that you love!
Creating a Persona
The concept of having specific pieces that you repeat often is not new. We know that many entrepreneurs already follow this. Pre determining our outfits takes away a lot of decision fatigue as well.
While all the above sounds very functional, here’s the exciting part. With a personal uniform, we can create a particular look or style that suits us as individuals. We all have certain colors, cuts, and fits that we love and flatters us. Why not curate a closet based on these things?
Personal Uniform and Minimalism
Often, people who follow a minimalist lifestyle or practice simple living create a personal uniform for convenience. It’s especially useful if someone has a capsule wardrobe.
But you do not need to follow either to do this. So do not be intimidated and think that you have to take a plunge into the unknown with this.
If you would want to look good and feel good on most days and simultaneously save time with not having to pick an outfit every day, then I strongly suggest that you give this a try. It’s great if it works out for you. If not, then nothing stops you from going back to your old habits!
Related Read: Fashion Minimalism- 5 Practical Tips to Declutter Your Closet
From Routine To Having a Personal Uniform
Let me tell you about how I discovered the joy of having a uniform. A few years ago, when I was working a corporate job, I had a system that minimized the time it took for me to get ready every morning. You see, I had assigned a particular color to each day of the week and picked my outfits accordingly. Mondays were gray or white, Tuesdays orange, and so on. This routine isn’t anything new. A lot of people across the world follow this system. It works wonderfully and saves a lot of time.
From that habit, I found that there were certain articles of clothing that I repeated more often than others. Like most people, I did not like or love everything I owned. Eventually, I figured that I would want to have and buy only those clothes that were comfortable and made me feel good.
I looked around the internet to see how people did this and voila!- I discovered the concept of a personal uniform.
7 Tips to Create Your Personal Uniform
Each of us looks for different things when choosing what to wear. Some gravitate toward comfy clothing while others focus on the style quotient. While some people prefer classic cuts and fits, others are partial towards trendy.
Hence, the art of creating a dedicated uniform must also cater to these flexibilities. One of the issues I have with the modern concept of having a capsule wardrobe is that it often talks about very specific outfits (and the quantities). Most capsule wardrobe ideas that I see on Pinterest talk about having a dark wash skinny pair of jeans, fitted black trousers, a white button-down, etc. But here’s the thing, I do not feel comfortable in most of those clothes. As a result, these ideas, while excellent, never served my purpose.

I presume that there are others like me. People who are not looking for specific items of clothing but rather need a template to decide their personal uniform. If you are such an individual, then I believe that this post is just right for you.
Below are 6 tips to help you to curate pieces you love and mix and match to create a personal uniform (or two!) that you will enjoy
1. Figure Out What You Love
Our clothes define a significant part of who we are. And life is too short to spend it wearing things you do not love.
So as you set out on this mission, the foremost thing to do would be to figure out what you love wearing. Are you a neutral kind of person or thrive in bright colors? Do you prefer loose clothes or form-fitting ones? What about accessories? I suggest that you write them down.
All these details will help you lay down the foundation and make it easy to find a style that is unique to you.
2. Find What Flatters You
Here’s the thing. You have to find a balance between the pieces you love and those that flatter you.
If you are really interested, then factoring in things like your body structure and skin tone can help you at this stage. However, I would also like to mention one thing here. Do not limit your choices to the pre-determined standards. If you want to wear something, go ahead and do so.
After all, anything worn with confidence can make you look and feel good.
Related Read: How To Figure Out Your Personal Style
3. Mix n Match
Now comes the fun part. Look at the clothes that you already own and get creative. Pair items that you haven’t worn together ever. Who knows, maybe you will find something that is perfect. Shop your closet before you step out to buy anything. Try to find looks that you like and create personal uniforms from there.
4. Keep it Simple
Keeping things simple can immensely help you, especially when you are new to a process. In this case, start with one clothing item or style of clothes that you prefer and then build around that.
For example, I started with some loose solid-colored trousers (I hate tight pants!) and created outfits from there. Most days I pair these trousers with basic tees and a hairband. Simple yet effective. On days when I feel really fancy, I just switch the tees with a nice blouse.
5. Factor in Your Lifestyle
Our work or job is a significant part of our identities. So, remember to factor that in when you decide your outfits. If you are an artist or someone with a creative pursuit, then perhaps you prefer your clothes to reflect that. But the same outfit will probably not suit a homemaker with an active toddler.
Similarly, the kind of life one leads can greatly dictate their choice of clothes.

6. Search High and Low
Once you have the basic idea in place, you will most probably need to buy some clothes. Where do you go for that?
Well, one obvious place is your regular shops. But please, if possible, refrain from buying fast fashion. Not only are these clothes harmful to the environment but also are not long-lasting. You will end up spending more money than saving eventually.
However, buying high-quality pieces always is also not feasible for most of us. For this reason, you will need to widen your search a bit.
Firstly, you can save up and buy good-quality clothing that will possibly last you for years. Another way to go about this is to look out for discounts. Most brands give seasonal discounts and you can avail those. Nowadays, there are some sustainable brands that sell their products online. Many of these are actually affordable.
And finally, my favorite way to shop- thrifting! I thrift not to save money but to do something for the environment. Moreover, those unexpected quality finds while thrifting definitely feels like acing a treasure hunt.
Related Read: Eco Friendly Living -8 Practices To Follow
7. Do Away With the Rest
After everything, if you are left with items that you don’t like much or which doesn’t fit into your idea of a personal uniform, please declutter them. You can donate or give them away or even sell them. But if you continue to keep them in your closet, they will either just gather dust or make you unhappy with your collection.
Make some space- both in your closet and your life!
Related Read: Decluttering Tips- 10 Things To Say GoodBye To ASAP
Get Creative!
In the end, there’s only one thing to say- get creative. Your wardrobe is your canvas and you can present yourself as you wish to. Create a unique personal uniform that not only works for you but also makes you feel like a million bucks!
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.
I have found that this concept also works for Travel and for evacuation purposes!
Thank you!
Hi Kate,
That’s absolutely true. Makes packing for traveling so easy.
Another great article!
Thanks, Jessalynn! 🙂