Happiness- the elusive treasure that we have been looking for forever. Is it possible to increase our levels of happiness? Can we be truly happier? Humankind’s quest for a happy life is an eternal thing. Entire industries have grown around this. We are sold all the quick fixes that will make us look better, feel…
A Simple Life- 10 Helpful Tips For You
A simple life is a great act of rebellion in this era of constant hustle. It doesn’t mean that hustling is evil. However, it is perhaps not for everyone. I am sure there are folks like me who would slow down and carve a simple life that focuses on their few priorities instead of trying…
How I Finally Learned To Accept Myself And Found Calmness
I found calmness in my life the instant I learned to accept myself for who I am. The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Brené Brown As children, we are often taught to be kind to others. But we are seldom told to practice that same kindness on ourselves. As a result, many of us…
8 Effective Ways That Truly Help Calm Your Mind
In a world constantly asking you to be on the move, striving to calm your mind can seem like an act of rebellion. Personally, I find that one of my biggest challenges in daily life is trying to manage my anxiety. As a mother to a toddler, I always jump to the worst conclusions possible….
10 Useful Lessons Motherhood Has Taught Me
In my twenties, I was never the person who thought about motherhood. Sure, I wasn’t opposed to the idea of having kids. But I never actively imagined myself as a mother. It was always a distant possibility that could happen until one day it really did. Like so many women around me, I became a…
5 Life-Changing Books That Can Truly Transform Your Life
Books are perhaps one of mankind’s greatest inventions. What would we be without the collective wisdom of the written words? We can find solace, look for answers to life’s most cryptic questions and lose and find ourselves in the pages of our favorite reads. So this time, let’s take a peek into some of the…
Home Organization 101- 10 Useful Tips To Save Your Sanity!
Let’s just agree on this- home organization sometimes feels like a full-time job! Especially when we dare to tackle everything at once. How many of us are guilty of doing this- trying to be done with our entire spring cleaning over a weekend? Or do a complete holiday overhaul in a day. Very brave of…
Budget Effectively- 7 Practical Ways To Save Money Everyday
One of the core skills that we use every day is knowing how to budget effectively. However, as with many such important things, this is a competency that many of us don’t develop early enough in our lives. There isn’t any age too young to learn how to manage our money. If you struggle with…
6 Life Hacks That Are Effective And Will Make Your Day
Life is really one rollercoaster of a ride. For most of us, the ups and downs are kind of constant. While we learn how to charter this course, sometimes it does feel overwhelming. While there are no quick fixes for those tough times, there are definitely little tidbits that can make things bearable. I am…
10 Deep Quotes For Adding A Little Magic To Our Lives
Life, as it is, can sometimes be very dull. The daily grind is enough to make us lose the spark from our everydays. In such cases, we often look around for some inspiration. What better way to find that than in the words of those wiser than us? Such deep quotes that simplify life into…