What is the best time to make any change in our lives? Well, arguably, any day is good enough. But we still choose to set aside a few special days for this purpose. And the new year is the most popular of them. The whole concept of “New Year New Me” has a nice ring to it.
But why does the advent of a new year bring such determination? Maybe it is because of the sense of hope attached to it. We believe that as we step into a brand new calendar, we can leave our old habits and form some new ones.
Hope is such a beautiful thing. It makes us believe. And do the unexpected.
So in that vein, here are 5 things that I have decided to do this new year to upgrade my life.
Maybe you are someone looking to switch up things. Or you already have an awesome life and are just curious about this. Whoever you are dear reader, this article is for you.
Read On!
1. Take Care of Myself
Ever since I became a mama, I am finding it challenging to make time for myself. It seems all my days go running after my tiny human. And boy can those little feet run! It can be quite exhausting.
Hence, the top of my list this new year is prioritizing taking care of myself. I will incorporate more exercise into my week, stay up to date on my check-ups, and take all my supplements timely. Taking care of myself also means looking after my mental health and practicing some form of self-care daily. As someone who gets touched out very often, my wish for this new year is to be in tune with my overall well-being.
Related Read: Self-Care – 6 Practical Tips For The Busy You!

2. Ditch the Drama
Let’s agree that life today is complicated as it is. We do not need anything extra to add to the mess. Or so I believe.
Hence, this new year, I vow to ditch the drama whenever and wherever possible. Even if that means avoiding a situation consciously to protect my sanity. This most probably sounds extreme in writing. But in reality, I would really like to put my peace of mind above everything else.
Related Read: New Mom- Make Your Life Easier With These 10 Apps
3. Restart/Start a Hobby
In my quest to reclaim myself this new year, I want to invest some of my time in a hobby. Now, in my case, this is most definitely going to be my old love- painting.
Before I had my son, I used to devote at least a couple of hours weekly to putter around with my paints and brushes. However, ever since he came into our lives, I have found it quite difficult to do this. Or maybe, I have been making excuses. I don’t know.
What I do know is that painting makes me happy and I have dearly missed it. So this year, I am going to restart this old habit of mine.
What about you? Do you have a hobby that you miss? Or is there something that you really want to pick up?
4. Develop a Skill
Now this one is for my professional development. However, you can always develop a skill for any purpose in your life. After all, it is the learning that’s important here.
As for myself, I am delving deep into the world of product management this new year. While this is definitely a time-consuming and involved endeavor, I hope to garner knowledge and achieve a sense of accomplishment along the way.

5. Be More Present
Finally, I want to be more present in my everyday. I am looking forward to spending meaningful time with my husband, my son, and my other family and friends. Our time here is too precious not to be doing this. Especially when it comes to our loved ones.
This means stepping away from social media mindfully, scheduling screen-free time, and just generally being more aware of how I behave when I am with others. This is especially important to me because I want to set a good example for my impressionable toddler who soaks up everything like a sponge.
Related Read: My 2020 Lessons On Simple Living, Minimalism, And Mindfulness
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.