Being a parent is a tough job. It is especially hard when you are a new mom. Even before your little one gets here, there are so many questions and doubts. And once they are in your arms you find yourself second (and sometimes even third or fourth) guessing every tiny decision you make. Are they eating enough, sleeping enough, and achieving their milestones on time? Are you doing enough? So many questions, which often lead the new mom down the path of frantic Google searches during the middle of the night feeds.
Motherhood is daunting and lonely. It is rightfully said that it takes a village to raise a child. However, most of us just keep waiting for our village to show up. I know that I have been! But it needn’t be this way in this era of technology and virtual groups. There are online resources that can provide you with the necessary information and assuage your worries.
Let’s take a look at 10 apps that make the life of a new mom a tiny bit more bearable and less lonely.
1. Peanut
Peanut is a social networking, meet-up-focused app for mothers who want to find their tribe. It definitely addresses the loneliness aspect of motherhood.
Additionally, as a new mom, you can post your questions, share your concerns, simply rant, and even celebrate your milestones on this app.
2. Glow Baby
This app allows you to keep track of all aspects of your baby’s care during their first year. This includes things like sleep schedules, bottle feeds, developmental milestones, etc. You can also get daily personalized parenting tips through this app.

3. Baby Connect
As a new mom, this is another great tracking app for you. This one especially takes the cake with its ability to sync with multiple devices. This allows all the caregivers to be on the same page when it comes to details like the baby’s diaper changes or feeds. Baby Connect is the app of choice when you have a babysitter for your precious one.
4. Wonder Weeks
Do you often find yourself wondering about your little one’s developmental stages? Wonder Weeks is just the app you need in that case.
This is a development tracker that provides you with a regular explanation of how your baby is developing. It describes the 10 major mental leaps that a child goes through from ages 0 to 18 months.
5. Little Peanut on The Go
This app is specially targeted towards a new mom on the go. This is more of a personal assistant application that helps you stay organized and on top of things when traveling or while being away from your babies.
You can create pains for any events that might come up in your lives- from family vacations to those much-needed date nights with your SO. You can create a to-do list, a packing list, and a care schedule for your child within these event plans.
6. Baby Tracker
As the name suggests, Baby Tracker is also a tracking app. This one is great for a new mom as it allows you to keep a close watch on all the important things like naps, feeding schedules, diaper changes, etc.
7. What to Expect
As a first-time parent, one of the most nerve-wracking experiences is your baby’s first bath. This app helps you through that monumental newborn moment. Additionally, it also guides you through the various aspects of your darling’s first year of life.

8. Sound Sleeper
All new parents will agree that sleep is perhaps the most difficult thing with a new baby. The Sound Sleeper app helps you to make that part of your parenting journey a tad bit easier.
This app makes white noise that allows your baby to fall asleep smoothly. It also has a Listen Mode option which you can use to keep a tab on your sleeping baby and turn on soothing sounds when they start crying.
9. Milk Maid
As the name suggests, this app helps a new mom to keep track of their child’s daily milk consumption. Additionally, it also allows you to monitor how long you have been storing pumped milk so that you can throw it out at the right time.
10. Huckleberry
This is a one-stop tracker for all things baby. Log your child’s feeding schedule, diaper changes, nap and sleep times, temperature, medicine intake, and growth- everything in one place. A new mom can also keep a record of her pump-and-dump schedule using the Huckleberry App. This one is a true game-changer.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.