Life is really one rollercoaster of a ride. For most of us, the ups and downs are kind of constant. While we learn how to charter this course, sometimes it does feel overwhelming. While there are no quick fixes for those tough times, there are definitely little tidbits that can make things bearable. I am talking about those life hacks that we all may have heard but perhaps believe too good to be true.
These life hacks predominantly trick your brain into believing things are more optimistic than it looks. You know, the “fake it till you make it” kind. However, the interesting thing about our brain is that we can actually trick it into this. In fact, research over the years has shown that behaving a certain way allows our brain to reset and set into motion a chain of events that affect us accordingly.
Life Hacks That Really Work
So what are these life hacks that can turn a gloomy day brighter? Most of them are things that you have heard of, probably even multiple times. They are not only simple but also actually effective. You only need a bit of faith to start seeing the wonders.
Read on to discover more!
1. Rely On The Power Of The Curve a.k.a Smile
Perhaps the easiest of all the life hacks you will ever hear is to smile more often. Numerous pieces of research over the years have shown that smiling, even if it is forceful, releases endorphins and serotonins. The brain simply sees the muscle movement and “thinks” to itself that there must be humor in that smile. In fact, a particular study also shows that smiling reduces overall stress.
The bottom line is just to smile. There are times when you can and should coerce yourself to do that. It will probably seem impossible or downright stupid at first especially when you feel anxious or down. However, once you start doing this you will find it actually uplifts your mood and helps you to handle things better.
2. Practice Gratitude
It costs us nothing to be a little more thankful for all that we have.
We often get fixated on all that we do not have in our lives. That, in turn, results in some significant dissatisfaction and unhappiness. But, what if, we instead focus on the things that we already have? Things that make us feel fulfilled and grateful. Life will be very different in that case.
We can choose to see the glass half full. Practicing gratitude is one of the best life hacks that allow us to acknowledge we are blessed. Sure, there will always be something that we want and not have. But such is the nature of life.
Once you start showing your gratitude, the universe also reciprocates. Additionally, you will generally have a more positive outlook toward life itself.
3. Dress For The Life You Want
Again one of those life hacks that you must have heard countless times. Yes, it is effective.
How we dress has a profound impact on how we feel. You have probably noticed how your mood instantly lifts up when you are wearing your favorite pair of shoes or taking time to do your hair in the morning.
Take it a step further and dress intentionally for the life you envision. For example, as a new stay-at-home parent, it was often tempting to not care about my appearance. After all, it’s only my child who sees me throughout the day, right? Wrong. I was so wrong to think that. I saw myself. Every time I looked into the mirror I saw myself- unkempt and often haggard. No wonder I was feeling so down in the dumps. So, I decided to change this aspect of my life. I started small. Just five minutes to put myself together in the beginning. Throwing on a simple outfit that made me happy. I felt the change almost immediately. I now feel accomplished and ready to tackle my day.
So go ahead and start dressing for the life you want. Start small and build up from there.
Related Read: Shop Your Closet- Create New Looks Without Spending Extra!

4. Stand Tall, Appear Powerful
People perceive us the way we portray ourselves to the world. While it is true that looks are not the end all and be all, it is also true that those first five seconds of impression matter. And one of the things that catch the eye is how we carry ourselves.
Strive to hold yourself up, confidently. Even if you feel far from it. Once you start faking it, you will start believing it. After a while, it becomes like second nature. Have a good posture, hold your head high and please don’t slouch. Stand tall. That way you will exude a certain kind of power which will definitely boost your confidence.
5. Step Outside The Comfort Zone
Let’s just agree that it is always scary to do new things. The comfort zone is called so for a reason. However, you will never change if you don’t step out of it. So, if you want real growth in your life, learn to be uncomfortable.
This is one of those life hacks that will probably not bring you any results in a day. But I guarantee you that it will do wonders in the long run. After all, we just have this one life. And it makes little sense that we spend it doing the safe things over and over.
Related Read: Transform Your Life With These 6 Practices

6. Be Intentional About Your Immediate Circle
It is often said that we are an average of our five closest people. If that is true then it is imperative that we choose our circles wisely. However, this is easier said than done.
Firstly you need to evaluate the relationships that you have- how are they affecting you? Are they enriching your lives or simply draining more? What is it that you look for in those relationships? These are just some of the thought-provoking questions that you need to honestly answer. Then act accordingly. Maybe you need to limit contacts with some folks or start hanging out more with others. If you have anyone toxic you will probably need to cut them off.
It is hard, but doable.
And ultimately, it leads to mental peace.
Related Read: Mom Hacks- 5 Ways To Make Life With a Little One Manageable
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.