“Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.”
Roy T. Bennett
The other day I was talking to a friend of mine. It was his birthday and I asked him how was he feeling, especially because of the current pandemic situation. He said that he was actually happy because he was spending time with his family after a long time. His answer mirrors what many across the globe are experiencing. It led me to ask myself whether I could find positives even during these dark times. And the answer is yes. An otherwise stark and crisis-ridden situation has actually brought some worthwhile positive lessons in my life.

When “Pandemic” Is Not Just Another Word Of Yore
There is no doubt that we are going through a very rough time collectively. People are getting sick and dying everywhere and we don’t have a clear end in sight. Many have lost their livelihoods and worrying about how they can sustain. Across the globe, people have been asked to stay at home and not venture out. Common activities like going for a walk have become an ordeal. Our lives changed in an instant. One moment we were going out for a Friday evening get-together with friends and the next we were holed up in our homes.
Suddenly, the word pandemic has leaped out from the pages of history and has become a glaring reality in our lives.
So, Is There Really Anything Positive About This Pandemic Situation?
Being able to see positives during a difficult time is in itself a blessing. It means that we have the power to look beyond any pressing wants and outline what’s going right. Now, people have varying outlooks, and that greatly impacts what they consider to be good and what they don’t.
Personally, I have garnered some very useful lessons and realized things that will have a lasting impact on how I live my life further. Here are 5 such positive lessons learned from this global pandemic. I hope you will be able to relate to some or all of them.
1. A Step Back To Rediscover
For a long time, I have been so busy. First, there were studies, then jobs and then marriage and moving to a new country and finally starting a new career path. Amidst all these, I never really had the time to take time to recharge and just be.
But now, with the stay-at-home order due to the pandemic, I had the opportunity to take a step back. I restarted doing things that I loved as a child. For example, I have started reading fiction more- a habit that was lost in the yearning to become more productive all over.
I am sure that many people are finding that they now have the time to introspect and learn more about themselves. If you feel the same way, then this is the apt time to look at your life and change anything that you have been wanting to do. Or you can start doing things that excite you but you never had the chance to.
Or just take a step back and simply be!
2. Renewed Connections
Sure, social distancing has created physical distances among us. It has probably been weeks since most of us have hugged a friend or shook hands with a colleague. But I have found that this period has brought me closer to many people emotionally. I have received texts from school classmates- folks with whom I have not interacted for the last 10 to 15 years or so. And it felt amazing to reconnect. I have also found that I am staying in touch with my friends and family more than usual, albeit through texts and calls.
Social distancing during this COVID-19 pandemic has increased physical distances. But, it has also reduced emotional distances in many cases. I feel that it has brought me closer to my loved ones, thus renewing some important connections in my life.
3. Setting Priorities
Now that I have fewer distractions in life, it has been a good time to set my priorities. We often start with a clear goal and then things crop up and we get derailed from the chosen path. This can be true for any aspect of our lives. If that sounds like you, then now is maybe a good time to evaluate what is really important and what can wait or leave.
Interestingly, the monotony of staying at home actually prodded me to set routines and get my days in order. Every day, I write down the top 5 things that I plan to do and work towards achieving them. I have been less active on social media– something that I have been meaning to do since the beginning of this year. This pandemic gave me free time to set things in order and prioritize.
In the end, I believe that I am far more productive now than before.
4. Counting Blessings
Perhaps the most important thing which I have realized while being at home during the coronavirus pandemic is that I have a blessed life. I am blessed to have a roof over my head, food on my table, work to keep me occupied and someone to share my days with. These are little things but they matter the most.
If you also have the means and things to live a simple yet fulfilling life, then you are blessed as I am. Not all are so fortunate in this situation. People have lost their jobs. Many are worried about their healths. Others have to go out to work even in this scenario because they are essential workers and we are dependent on them. In the midst of all that, I consider myself to be extremely lucky that I do not have to worry about these things. I have never felt this grateful for my life before.
I count my blessings every day now.
5. Living Intentionally
Last but not least, this period taught me to live my life more intentionally. It showed me that I need very little to live a happy, fulfilling, and calm life. There are so many things that I can actually do without. As a result, I have started to be intentional in the ways I spend my time and energy.
I have been practicing simple living as a way of life for some time now. However, I became aware of the fact that there were areas in my life where I could be more deliberate and intentional. For example, I thought that I did not have enough time to pursue my hobby of painting. But actually I do, I was just spending unnecessary efforts on other things. All I had to do was be realistic and declutter my schedule and voila! Time is usually not the constraint, rather how we choose to spend it is.
Being intentional with my time and energy is one of the biggest lessons I learned from this crisis.

Looking Closely
For the past few weeks, life, as we know it, has been upended and in turmoil for people across the globe. Our normals have changed and we have had to show great resilience and adaptability in the face of this upheaval. But, even in these difficult times, many across the world have found things to be hopeful about. Ultimately, the power lies in each one of us. We can choose to look at the positives and help others to do the same.
Life, after all, is all about learning. Learning to hope, love, live, laugh, and dream- even during a situation as difficult as a global pandemic.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.
Related Reads
- 5 Positive Life Lessons That You Can Learn From the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Expert advice on five life lessons to teach kids while self-isolating from the coronavirus
- COMMENTARY: Lessons from a pandemic: What will we learn from this?