Just calm down!
How many times have you been told this in the face of a stressful situation? And exactly how many times have you really calmed down by being told so?
Well, that’s the irony. Being told to calm down almost always has a remarkably opposite effect on the individual. In fact, it ends up causing more stress.
But, how does one effectively handle themselves when agitated?
Well, we might not be in complete control of what happens in our lives. But we can definitely regulate how we choose to respond to those difficult situations. We can consciously take concrete steps to change our mindset, which in turn will help us to remain calm when we need to.
Tips To Keep Your Calm and Carry On
So let’s take a look at 6 ways to be more calm in your day-to-day life. All these are practical tips and can be practiced by anyone.
1. Take a Step Back
We often tend to react first and think second. Needless to say, this results in a less than ideal response to any stressful situation.
To remain calm in such a scenario, one of the first things you can do is take a step back and hold your response. Anger dissipates in that short amount of time that you take to sort your emotions out. Reason prevails and you have a more constructive reaction.
Remember, words when once spoken cannot be taken back. Hence, it is always better to take a step back, think, and then speak.
2. Practice Detachment
Remember that you are not what is happening to you. Detach yourself from the immediate situation and try to look at it from the perspective of an onlooker.
This is easier said than done. But, if you can really master this art of detachment, you will find it quite feasible to remain calm during those crucial moments. Detachment helps you regain composure when you feel like losing it.
You don’t need to be a spiritual master to be able to do this. Learn to cultivate enough patience in your daily life. This will allow you to remove yourself mentally from a scenario and rethink your position. And I promise you that a tiny bit of objectivity will make a significant difference.

3. Cultivate Calmness with Daily Rituals
Our daily rituals give us peace. And peace begets calmness. So, pay attention to your everyday habits if you want to keep calm.
Some of the everyday practices that can help you become more calm and composed are-
- Daily meditation and gratitude
- Self-care practices
- Spending time in nature
- Journaling your thoughts
- Talking to a trusted friend
4. Let Off Some Steam
Exercising is a great way to calm your frazzled nerves. Any form of rigorous physical activity releases those much-needed endorphins in our bodies. The result? We not only feel better but also can think with a clearer head.
So get yourself moving and let off some of that steam. Go for a walk, a run, lift some weights, do Pilates, or indulge in a sport. The choices are endless and there’s always something for everyone.
5. Filter Your Environment
Our environments play a major role when it comes to feeling calm (or the lack of it thereof). This includes the physical surroundings as well as the people we are surrounded by.
Toxicity can come in many forms and it is imperative that you understand it. It is also worth remembering that you are an average of your five closest people. Hence, if you feel that a particular person is the source of most of your anxiety then you should evaluate your relationship. Similarly, if a physical location is affecting your sense of peace, you have to consider removing yourself from there.
6. Breathe!
Pause and breathe when you feel agitated. Those precious few seconds when you take a couple of deep breaths can work wonders in making you more calm.
Breathe intentionally. Learn to meditate so that you can control your reactions to stress. Focus inward as you inhale and exhale. Accept that certain situations are inevitable and the best that you can do is to control how you respond to them.

The Circle of Being Calm
Most meditative exercises aim at gaining mastery over self. The art of being calm in stressful situations is no different from that.
We have to understand that our external behaviors are a factor of what we believe in and constantly practice. Hence, being more calm in our everyday life is a conscious choice. A choice that we have to carefully work towards to achieve.
And ultimately you will find that serenity actually begets more calmness with each passing day. Life does come in a full circle.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.