Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Often meditation is touted to be the ultimate solution to the troubles of our minds. But is it really the answer to all our problems?
It is true that meditation has been practiced since the days of yore. The idea of finding oneself by getting lost within the soul sounds enticing. However, meditation exists in many forms across lands and the boundaries of what it really means have been blurring constantly.
But to address the question of whether meditation is really the answer, I would say no.
Meditation is not the end to the means. Nor is it the light at the end of the tunnel. Rather, it is a part of the journey, a guiding lamp if you will.
What is meditation?
The word meditation has its roots in the ancient Latin word meditatio from the verb meditari, meaning “to think, contemplate, devise, ponder”. The first formal usage of this word can be traced as far back as the 12th century.
It is difficult to define meditation in exact terms as it is a fairly fluid concept. However, on a broader level, it can be explained as a method of training the mind to reach a state of calm and clarity using various techniques like mindfulness, breathing patterns, concentration exercises, etc.
Meditation is not so much defined for what it is as it is done for what it sets to achieve. In its simplest form, it is an exercise for the mind. For centuries it has been practiced in various forms across the face of the earth by people of different faiths. Here’s an interesting article if you want to know more about the ancient origins of meditation.

Why is it seen as an answer?
As time progressed, more people started practicing these techniques as they began traveling and learning about other cultures. What was previously contained within certain regions, now spread to far-flung corners of the earth. And with the practice, the benefits also spread as word of mouth.
It is thus not too far-fetched to think that as people began to see the positive impact meditation had on their lives, it began to be considered as the next great thing. Eventually, meditation began to be regarded as the answer to all problems.
But is that actually the case?
Meditating every day will not guarantee that our problems will go away seem smaller. Rather, it gives us the power to endure and tide over the tough times.
When life doesn’t seem to go in the right direction, most of us tend to get lost in the negative spaces and lose ourselves. Meditation allows us to search for calmness within ourselves and put things in perspective. The moment we find within ourselves the resilience to overcome our tough times, we feel that we have conquered. And that is exactly what meditation helps us to achieve.
So, what does it finally come down to?
Often people are reluctant or wary of mediation because they do not see the benefits immediately. Like most good things in life, it requires practice and patience. Moreover, there is no one size fits all. Everyone has their own method and it is essential to figure out what works for you if you want to see results.
Some folks prefer sitting down quietly with closed eyes and focus on their breathing. Others like it to be a little more active exercise and hence opt for walking meditation. Whatever the means, the goal is always similar- to calm the mind and find clarity. When the mind is in turmoil, it is like a pond surface with troubled waters, unable to reflect anything. Meditation stills the thoughts and calms our minds- much like the mirror-like surface of perfectly tranquil water. It is during moments such as these that we are able to reflect thoughtfully on our problems and find solutions to them.
In my personal experience, I have benefitted immensely from mindfulness meditation. At the same time, I strongly believe that what worked for me might not work for others. However, if you are able to find the right practice for yourself, then it might perhaps be one of the best things you do for yourself in life.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.