For the last two years, I have been on a journey towards living a more nuanced and well-thought-out life. Intentional living not only makes me appreciate all the good that surrounds me but also has made me a more fulfilled person. And that, in my opinion, makes it well worth the effort.
I had not always been this way. In fact, I was living a fast and busy life- one where time was always an issue. As a result, I was stretched thin with my commitments and responsibilities. However, a couple of years back, I found the opportunity to change. Moving to a new country and finding myself without a regular day job brought a new perspective. I realized that my happiness and fulfillment in life depended only on myself and not on some external factors. That is when I learned about intentional living and decided to give this way of life a try.
The Journey Towards Intentional Living
I will not lie about it. Practicing intentional living wasn’t as easy as I had thought it to be. This was perhaps because of the fact that I initially had underestimated how difficult it is to focus and not let my mind wander off.
Every day, we do and think of so many things without conscious efforts. On top of that, we are constantly striving to multitask in this busy, busy world. Slowing down or stopping for a moment to cherish the present seems like a luxury in many ways.
And I wanted to change just that in my life.

How I Started
For me, the journey towards intentional living started with baby steps. I tried several approaches until I found practices suitable for myself. Since all of us are our own person, it is understandable that we will find different things work for each one of us. As I often say, there is no one-size-fits-all in this.
That being said, here are 6 broad practices or rather guidelines that can get you started on your journey to intentional living. With each of these points, you can tweak and hone the practices to suit your lifestyle and mentality. The pointers are merely a framework to help you find your exact effective practice.
Intentional living, after all, is about intentions and that varies greatly from person to person. So it is natural that the process to reach that point will also vary for each one of us.
Intentional Living Practices
Without further ado, let’s take a look at 6 intentional living practices that you can start with.
1. Know Your “Why”
Perhaps the most crucial thing when wanting an intentional life is to know why you want to do this. These reasons can be anything like trying to change your existing lifestyle or adopting a new way of life to be more productive and grounded. It can even be because external circumstances require you to be more intentional. For example, I was drawn towards intentional living because I was looking for an anchor in a new place. I wanted to have something that was under my control and living with intentions allowed me to have that.
Whatever your “why” be, know that it is enough. And if you want to start living intentionally just because you want to, then that is perfectly okay as well. You do not always need a particular life-changing reason. Just be clear of why you want to do this and you will find the motivation necessary to move forward.
2. Understand Your Triggers And Avoid Them
All of us have triggers. It could be things, places, certain visuals, emotions, or people. It is important to know and understand your triggers. And then, it is even more important to try to avoid them.
Life is too precious to spend time worrying about things that do not make you happy. Now, I know that it isn’t always practical to turn your back on every unpleasant aspect. But you have to be more mindful of what you allow to affect yourself. This is a matter of habit and gets easier with time.
One of the primary tenets of this lifestyle is being intentional about what we let into our lives and what we choose to omit. Things that do not serve a positive purpose in your life are hence best left out, as a result.
3. Chalk Out A Plan
Most transitions and habits need a plan. So have one ready for yourself as you embark on this journey. Carving out a routine can prove to be really useful for this. Or you can stick to certain habits for mornings and/or evenings that can help you become more grounded and intentional. Many people thus swear by morning or evening routines.
Having a plan doesn’t always mean following a routine. You can also have certain goals for your every day that you want to incorporate in your life. Focus on those goals and see how you can best include them in your intentional living framework.
One thing is quite certain. Living intentionally needs a lot of careful thought and specific actions. That is why a personalized plan of action approach can help you to be effective.
4. Look For What Fills Your Purpose
Of course, intentional living means finding and filling your life with things and processes that add value to your purpose. Be present in your actions and relish the journey. When you start living this way, even mundane activities like household chores become meaningful.
Sometimes the mere act of finding relevant and fulfilling tasks can be quite challenging. In all those times, remember to take a step back and go with the flow. To live intentionally does not just mean doing things that you think matters the most. It also encompasses the act of embracing whatever comes your way and putting your whole-hearted efforts and attention to it.
5. Re-evaluate Your Consumption Habits
We live in a world where we are constantly told to consume more and more. Everything, from retail buying to watching the news- somehow seems to be based on this idea of more is better. Failure to keep up often results in what we know as FOMO.
But it honestly doesn’t need to be this way. We all have a certain capacity to consume, be it mental or physical. Hence, it is imperative that you are mindful of your consumption habits, lest you fill your mind, body, and personal space with junk.
So, the next time you are tempted to buy another expensive white button-down or a pair of branded jeans, ask yourself whether you really need it. Or are you just trying to keep up with the Joneses? Similarly, know your limits when listening to the news or scrolling through social media. May be setting a time limit for internet surfing isn’t a bad idea after all.
Take careful account of your consumption habits in every sphere of your life and change what doesn’t align with your vision.

6. Be Mindful Of Your Resources And How You Utilize Them
Lastly, evaluate how you are using your resources. This means taking note of how you manage your money, time, energy, focus, and presence.
If you think about it, intentional living is actually about being mindful of your resources at its core. So put your energy into carving a lifestyle that makes the best use of all the tangible and intangible resources available at your disposal.
Anything that takes your time or utilizes your money but doesn’t add value to your life must be reconsidered. Is it really worthwhile? Does it bring a sense of accomplishment or joy or serve any higher purpose? If not, then maybe you can do without that particular thing. Similarly, take stock of your personal finances and check whether your fiscal habits are optimum or not.
To Sum Up
Intentional living doesn’t happen in a day or week. It takes some time to find your path on this journey. You have to agree to try and fail and try some more. However, it is not all that difficult if you set your mind on it. And it has its own rewards.
After all, carving out the life of our dreams is what we all aspire to and this lifestyle takes us down that road.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.
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