Happiness- the elusive treasure that we have been looking for forever. Is it possible to increase our levels of happiness? Can we be truly happier?
Humankind’s quest for a happy life is an eternal thing. Entire industries have grown around this. We are sold all the quick fixes that will make us look better, feel better, function better, ergo, make us happier. But is it truly all that?
Isn’t happiness supposed to be internal? And what does it mean to be happy?

Understanding Happiness
The idea of happiness varies from person to person. Some constants like good health, the presence of loved ones, a meaningful career, and enough money in the bank account are definite stepstones to creating a fulfilling life.
However, true contentment lies in innate factors. And that looks different for each one of us.
Secondly, these matters of priority change as we age. For example, as a kid, happiness meant a day of playing with friends out in the sun, a cold treat on a hot day, or even a good test score at school.
In my twenties, it was a challenging job that paid well, fun times with close friends, traveling home to my parents, and planning a future with my partner.
Now that I’m in my thirties and a mom, the definition of happiness has changed again for me. The foremost source of my joy right now is my son. Most other decisions in my life are taken with him in mind. I try to live a slower, more nuanced life because that gives me joy. I have become more intentional with my time.
And that makes me happier.
Factors Influencing Happiness
External factors:
- Health: Physical well-being directly impacts emotional and mental states.
- Relationships: Positive, supportive relationships provide emotional sustenance and companionship.
- Finances: Financial stability can alleviate stress and provide opportunities for fulfillment.
- Social environment: Community support and cultural norms impact one’s sense of belonging.
- Safety: Physical and psychological safety creates a foundation for peace of mind.
Internal factors:
- Gratitude: Acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of life cultivates contentment.
- Mindset: Optimism and a focus on solutions rather than problems influence subjective well-being.
- Resilience: The ability to bounce back from adversity maintains a positive outlook on life.
Tips For Being Happier
So how does one become a happier version of oneself?
Well, there isn’t any set formula for achieving that. However, there are a few steps, which when followed can generally uplift your present mood. These are sustainable and do not require much preparation. Eventually, you benefit immensely if you can incorporate some of these practices into your daily routine.
1. Prioritize
Start with prioritizing what’s important to you.
Often our root cause for unhappiness lies in our endeavor to do things that really do not mean much to us. This is what happens when we do not know how to say no. As a result, we are left with an overflowing social calendar. Or we find ourselves in commitments we would rather avoid.
Stop doing this to yourself. Say yes to things that matter. Try to cut out the noise as much as possible.

2. Mindfulness
One way to prioritize happiness is practicing mindfulness. You do not have to be a monk to do this perfectly. Just start by paying attention to yourself and your surroundings. Try not to multi-task.
Mindfulness exercises are great at grounding your mind. One key to living a more fulfilled life is living in the present. Mindfulness techniques help you achieve exactly that.
3. Gratitude
In the daily grind, we often forget to be thankful for what we already have. Practicing gratitude mindfully can do wonders for your mental health.
In life, there will always be things we yearn for. But that shouldn’t take our focus away from our current blessings. Activities like gratitude journaling can help you with this and bring peace to your life.
4. Social Connections
It is said that we are the culmination of our five closest people.
Our social connections are the cornerstone of our well-being. Ask anyone who has gone through a bad relationship and they will tell you the importance of having the right people in our lives.
Choose your tribe carefully and hold onto them.
5. Meaningful Activities
Think of your childhood days. What did you love to do? Do you still get to do that?
For most of us, the answer is no. As we grow up and incur more responsibilities, we tend to stop doing things we love. That is life. However, finding a bit of time to indulge in meaningful activities can make our days brighter and us happier.
6. Manage Stress
Needless to say, stress is the root cause of a lot of problems. Managing stress is essential not just for your happiness, but for your overall wellbeing.
There are many ways to handle stress. Meditations, spending time in nature, talking to a loved one, and a social media detox are just some of the viable options. Choose something that you find doable and think that will benefit you.
7. Embrace Imperfections
Understand that imperfections are a natural part of life. Nobody is perfect.
Learn to embrace imperfections as a way to grow and mature. Show yourself kindness when things aren’t as ideal as you expected them to be.
Related Read: How I Finally Learned To Accept Myself And Found Calmness

8. Accept Help
One of the most important lessons I have learned since having a child is that accepting help does not make me a failure. And I want you to recognize that as well.
No man is an island. Surround yourself with people from whom you can ask for help and support when you need it. This makes you a strong person.
9. Self-care
Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Establish healthy habits that nurture your body and mind. Set boundaries to protect your time and energy. Practice mindfulness and self-reflection to stay connected with yourself.
10. Accept Setbacks
View setbacks as temporary hurdles rather than permanent failures. Extract lessons from setbacks to improve future outcomes. Maintain a positive outlook and resilience in the face of adversity.
Understand that setbacks are natural parts of your journey toward success and fulfillment.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.
Related Read: 10 Happiness Habits For the Daily Life