We often find ourselves struggling with maintaining focus in our daily lives. It becomes especially difficult during trying times such as the present. With so much going on around us at the moment, getting our focus back to the work at hand can seem quite daunting. However, there are some very effective practices in which this can be achieved. So in today’s article, let’s take a look at 7 ways in which you can get your focus back right now!
Daily Life And Getting Your Focus Back
Every day we carry out so many tasks without paying any attention. Now, that usually works out in most cases, especially with mundane activities. However, sometimes focusing on the task at hand becomes really essential. The issue occurs when you cannot get your mind to concentrate during those times.
Most of us struggle to get our focus back at different points in our lives. During times as chaotic as the present, this becomes especially true. But fret not if you have been less than attentive in your daily life lately. In today’s piece, I talk about 7 simple ways in which you can get your focus back right away.
Read on to know more!

Ways To Get Your Focus Back
The following steps are some of the most basic yet effective ones that you can implement when trying to refocus every day. These are meant to assess your present situation and then take measures from them.
1. Assess And Minimize Distractions
There are enough distractions in our lives that can take away our focus from time to time. At the same time, it is also not possible to do away with all these distractions completely. Hence, adopting a middle path serves as the best way to get your focus back.
Assessing what distracts you on a day to day basis provides a great place to start. Some of the distracting factors could be quite unnecessary and thus easily tackled. This includes things like mindless net surfing. Having a plan helps greatly in reducing these.
On the other hand, there are some factors which cannot be ignored as easily. Worrying about a potential job loss or the health of a loved one can affect your ability to focus on the tasks at hand. In those cases, you need to take active steps to manage your thoughts. Mindfulness practices can help in these situations.
The bottom line is to know what is preventing you from giving your best focus, assess those distractions, and work towards actively minimizing them in your life.
Related Read: Have A Productive Week With These 7 Tips
2. One Thing At A Time
Multitasking becomes a roadblock, especially when trying to get your focus back. That is why it is advisable to take up one task at a time and give that your best shot. Trying to accomplish multiple things simultaneously undoubtedly divides your attention span. The result?
You fail to complete things the best you could have. Additionally, contrary to the usual belief, multitasking can end up taking more time than you bargain for, thereby delaying your entire workflow.
Related Read: 4 Reasons Why Multitasking Is Not the Best Option
3. Tackle Those Notifications
Technology is both a boon and a bane in our lives. It keeps us connected in a fleeting world. But sometimes, this connection can become a tad bit too much. I am talking about the constant notifications that most of us are subjected to. Our FOMO sets us on a path of being always informed. That leads to enormous stress for many of us. As a result, it doesn’t take much time to lose our focus in the midst of the barrage of these notifications.
Hence, to get your focus back, take a long, hard look at the notification center of your mobile devices. Maybe all of them aren’t so necessary after all. For example, news and social media alerts can wait. Additionally, you can also unsubscribe from the mailing lists that no longer serve any purpose.
These seemingly tiny steps play a major role in getting you to refocus.

4. Schedule And Time Tasks
Routines create a rhythm in our lives. For some tasks, it makes sense to have a particular schedule, especially if you want to do them without thinking too much. Daily chores or work that doesn’t need too much thinking are perfect for scheduling.
You can also set up time limits to complete tasks. Make use of your phone timer and give yourself a solid 20 minutes to tackle all those pesky jobs that you have been putting off. This helps you immensely in getting your daily focus back.
5. Mindfulness Practices
One of the main benefits of practicing mindfulness for me has been regaining my ability to concentrate. When we think of mindfulness, we usually conjure up an image of meditating at a calm location. But mindfulness is so much more than that.
You can strive towards getting your focus back by simply being mindful of your tasks. Trying to function on an auto-pilot mode poses the risk of losing your focus. Instead, try to be intentional to see significant changes.
Related Read: 5 Mindfulness Practices That Helped Reduce My Anxiety
6. Time To Wind Down
Remember that you are not a machine. Rest is an important part of being productive. Hence, always take some time and plan for a suitable way to wind down. You could indulge in some me-time with your favorite book and a cup of coffee or simply just be. Leisure looks different to each one of us. Whatever it is for you, try to incorporate some of that in your daily routine.
A well-rested mind and body help you to gain back your focus much more easily than a tired one.
One pro tip. When in doubt about how to wind down most efficiently, always go for a quick nap!
Related Read: Intentional Living- 6 Practices For Beginners

7. Be Human!
In a world that constantly pushes us towards more hustle and productivity, remind yourself to slow down. Be human. Trying to accomplish too many things at once may sound exciting but might not be feasible since you are not a machine. Instead, slow down and put things into perspective. Choose your battles and only then will you be able to focus back on the important aspects of your life.
After all, our lives are not lived in the numbers but rather in its quality and the impact that we eventually create.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.