The world we are in right now warrants that we strive to follow an eco-friendly living style in our daily pursuits. It is no more enough to just be conscious of using single-use plastics or refusing straws at restaurants. The time is ripe for us to inculcate sustainable habits that allow us to be environmentally conscious and friendly by default.
Since long many people across the globe have been advocating in favor of a more gentle life. A life that has a lesser negative impact on the world around us. From reducing carbon footprint to buying ethically made goods- all these actions have been directed towards saving the environment.
Reports about pollution in different parts of the world illustrate the need to do this. Thus, the failure to take timely steps will make it increasingly difficult to restore balance in the future.
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.”
Jane Goodall

Why Eco-Friendly Living?
The arguments in favor of following an eco-friendly lifestyle are many. It aims at reducing the levels of pollution, restores balance in our seas, and ultimately can save our home planet from becoming inhospitable.
At the same time, living in an eco-friendly manner can also become the cornerstone of a simple life. There is a certain idea of going back to the roots and do things the traditional way when practicing this way of life. So, if that is also something that interests you, then you should definitely consider this lifestyle.
Eco-Friendly Living Practices
The following 8 practices might seem to be very basic and yet they can be immensely potent if done with dedication. It is true that these might seem to be inconsequential, especially when practiced by one person. How much change can that result in, right? Well, do not forget that drops make an ocean. There is power in numbers.
1. Use Low-Waste Alternatives
It is quite easy to incorporate some low-waste alternatives in our daily lives without changing much. Opting for kitchen items made of materials like wood or clothes made of natural fabrics are some of the most feasible steps that you can take in this direction.
Here is a useful article about some low-waste alternatives for everyday products that you can start incorporating in your life.
2. Avoid Single-Use Plastics
Plastic pollution is a real hazard and needs to be addressed ASAP. If you are still using single-use plastics, then the time has come to stop doing so. It will initially result in some inconveniences. Especially for example, when you have to carry your bags every time you go to the store. But, with habit, it surely becomes easier, to the point that you begin doing so as second nature.
It might not always be practically possible to refuse single-use plastics in all situations. However, it is important that we start at some point without worrying about being a perfectionist. After all, a less-than-perfect effort is better than no effort at all.

3. Read And Educate Yourself
A big part of practicing an eco-friendly living style involves learning more about the topic. Over the past couple of years, the more I have read, the more I have learned about ways that I can create a positive impact. It is also important to know what steps are being taken by people across the world. Some cultures already live a very gentle lifestyle and knowing about them can help us in adopting some of those into our own lives.
Learning about this topic is relatively easy, with so many resources available on the internet. You can also take advantage of your local public library and get books on this subject.
4. Live Simply
Perhaps the easiest way to live an eco-friendly life is to practice simple living. Living simply involves measures that are inherently environmentally friendly. It cuts out a lot of unnecessary things. At the same time, it encourages us to explore the possibility of doing things on our own. This eliminates some of the wasteful practices along the way.
If you feel the yearning for a less complicated yet fulfilling life, then perhaps, simple living is your answer.
5. Grow Your Garden
You can consider starting a kitchen garden with a select few herbs and greens. Or, if you are comfortable and have the means, you can plant a big and varied garden. This can consist of seasonal plants, shrubs, trees, etc. Having a garden not only provides you with more greenery but can also be a source of some food materials. What’s more, you will invite those birds and squirrels to your yard!
Moreover, you can go a step further and use the compostable materials from your kitchen as garden mulch. Overall, growing your garden is an eco-friendly and sustainable simple living practice. And, it is quite easy to start as well.

6. Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose
This is almost like a mantra for living an eco-friendly life. Reuse glass jars as containers, recycle what cannot be reused, repurpose old clothes into washcloths. The possibilities are endless here and your imagination is the key.
When we reuse, recycle, or repurpose something, we prevent that item from entering the landfill. Statistics say that about 80% of the garbage in landfills is recyclable. Thus, if we can keep even one thing from ending up in the trash, that can amount to something.
7. Shop Ethical, Whenever Possible
It is true that shopping ethically is not always a possibility. However, we have to try. Shop local from places like farmer markets, boutiques, and indie businesses. Consider visiting thrift stores. Those are the treasure troves of eclectic finds.
There are many great online shops now that offer ethically created environmentally friendly products. A little research can help you find the things that you need.
As for myself, I have decided that this year I will only buy second-hand or shop ethical when it comes to my clothes. That also means I will be buying far less- only when I really need something.
8. Spread Awareness
It is extremely important that there is a general awareness of this topic in the world around us. Otherwise, there will not be any world to leave to our kids and grandkids. As individuals, we can create awareness within our circles. Teach your children about the importance of living an environmentally friendly lifestyle from an early age. Talk to your parents and friends. It is easier than you think to influence people to do the right thing. Set an example with your actions and you will have people follow your habits.
When it comes to living an eco-friendly lifestyle, building a community of like-minded individuals is very effective.

Some Closing Thoughts
It is true that for a significant positive impact, industrial practices and norms need to undergo change. These reforms have to be made at a more fundamental level- preferably through policy design.
However, at the same time, it is also undeniable that individuals united over the same cause exhibit great power. If we can all start with just a few of the above practices in our daily lives, we will definitely be able to create a meaningful impact.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.
Related Reads
- Going Green: Reasons You Should Start Going Eco-Friendly
- 10 reasons to go green starting NOW
- Why is Eco-Friendly Living Important?