In a world that increasingly seems to function on auto-pilot, conscious living is an act of rebellion. To take reigns of our actions and thereby somewhat be able to predict the consequences can be, in fact, quite liberating.
Human beings have this tendency to dwell in their comfort zones. Most of us like going with the flow in our everyday lives. This way of living, while convenient, isn’t very fulfilling in the long run. However, if we are just a little more mindful of how we live, we can become much more in tune with our daily lives.
Some people are naturally self-aware and deliberate in their actions. In contrast, the rest of us have to learn to be so. But if you practice the art of conscious living, I promise you will be more at peace with yourself. How do I know that? Well, I practice what I preach.
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Viktor E. Frankl
What is Conscious Living?
Living consciously essentially means living an intentional life. You think before you act. That means no more following things blindly. Instead, ask questions and base your actions on the answers you get.
This sounds all very lofty in writing. But in reality, it is just simply being self-aware. Indulge in activities that you genuinely want to. Engage in practices that bring you joy and growth. And most importantly, live a life of purpose.
That’s conscious living in a nutshell for you.

Why Should You Opt For Conscious Living?
But the question remains as to what you gain from conscious living.
Well, for one, you will definitely have more peace in your life. Once you know why you choose to be a certain way, you take away most of the second-guessing from your life. That’s a lot of pressure off your shoulders.
Secondly, intentional living is good for your holistic health. It allows you to indulge in some overall self-care.
And finally, more often than not, conscious living is a sustainable practice. It is usually good for the environment. In a world where nature is constantly been ravaged by the vagaries of mindless human behavior, this is always a bonus.
5 Ways To Practice Conscious Living Effectively
So, here are 5 pertinent ways in which you can incorporate conscious living into your daily life.
1. Envision The Life You Want
Start with imagining the life that you yearn for. What would you do differently? Is there a habit that you want to form but haven’t been able to for one reason or another?
Next, put all those thoughts into writing. Do a brain dump. Do not overthink this part. Just simply put down all that you come up with at this stage.
Once you have that written down, now look for how you can make practical tweaks in your life to live more like the way you want to.
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2. Put SMART Goals in Place
Once you are aware of what changes you need to make, formulate some SMART goals.
These goals should be practical and hence do not go overboard. You are the best judge of what you can achieve and keep your expectations within reasonable limits if you want to be successful. Start small and improve from there.
For example, if you plan to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, do not start with an advanced regimen from day 1. You are more likely to feel discouraged and drop the habit if you do that. Instead, start with a simple at-home yoga session and build up from there.
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3. Implement Mindful Habits
Conscious living is all about deliberately being mindful. Look at areas in your life where you want to implement your SMART goals and then be mindful about it.
We know that any habit takes about 3 weeks to stick. So you essentially have to work on your habits for a month and hopefully, they will become second nature to you. At other times you have to be strategic about them.
For example, I wanted to be conscious about my plastic consumption and found that one simple way I could do that was by bringing my own bag for groceries. I went and bought those handly canvas totes as well. However, I used to end up forgetting them on the day of shopping. Then I started using one as my regular bag and kept the rest of them in the car. That way I am always prepared. Even for the impromptu trips to the store.
Related Read: Stuck On The Hedonic Treadmill- 7 Ways To More Happiness!
4. Invest In Yourself
In all the hustle of living, remember to invest in yourself. Everything else will pale if you do not feel good about yourself.
Invest in your physical health. But more importantly, invest in your mental health as well. Do things that make you happy. If you are a spiritual person, then feed that part of your soul as well.
Learn new skills. These could be things that help in your career or simply life skills. Try to keep yourself up to date and upgraded.
The daily grind of our lives can be very mundane. However, it is up to you to keep things interesting when practicing conscious living.

5. Learn To Pause
And finally, take time to pause. Schedule a time when you actually do nothing.
The present world of social media has us believing that we need to be always on the go, always hustling. However, that is simply not practical. Take some time to stand and stare and just be.
Take a step back if needed. Pause to re-evaluate and re-focus.
Give yourself permission to take some rest as well.
Do you have any related experience or story to tell? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.